Have You Bought A Car On Finance In The past 10 Years? You May Be Owed Thousands...

A new Court Ruling means you may be able to claim for unfair sales commission.

Start Your Claim
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Risk-free claims

No win, no fee

100% free

Expert advice

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A huge range of investment options.

If ANY of the below apply you may be due compensation:


The lender did not tell you about sales commissions


The lender told you about commissions but not how much


You paid a high interest rate on the finance


You bought your car in the last 10 years

Leave it to us, you're in good hands.

How it works.

Step 1

Use our online check to see if you're eligible.

Step 2

One of our experts will look into your claim.

Step 3

Claim made against the lender, bank or intermediary.

Step 4

Adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim ine eros elementum tristique bibo.

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